Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 5
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 4
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 3
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 2
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 1
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
The Global Institute of Sustainability
The Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS) at Arizona State University conducts research, education, and problem-solving related to sustainability, with a special focus on urban environments. Many of the research initiatives under GIOS, such as the Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) project, focus on the Phoenix metropolitan area. Greater Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing urban environments in the United States and, as such, is a preeminent laboratory for solving problems that face urban areas around the globe.
ASM Student Poster Judges
The ASM student poster judges will each review a subset of all student posters. Judges may review posters from their own site (scores will be scrutinized and should be justified if a high score is given), although they can NOT judge their own or co-authored posters. Judges are free to declare a COI for any reason (if they are uncomfortable reviewing a poster from their site, a friend, relative etc.).
LTER Europe – developing a new approach to ecosystem research, its communication and implementation
The outcomes of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2004), Global Environmental Outlook (2007) and reports of EEA (2007, 2005) on the state of European environment clearly showed that the future of nature management depends on changing the way individuals think about the environment and its impact on human well-being, decision makers consider and treat environmental values, scientists communicate their findings, and financial resources are mobilized and allocated to solve environmental problems.
Shortgrass Steppe LTER VI: A Persisting Ecosystem in the Face of Global Change
The Shortgrass Steppe (SGS) LTER project studies an ecosystem that has persisted under a regime of semi-arid extremes, with high inter- and intra-annual variability in precipitation and temperature. The 340 mm of annual precipitation falls primarily during spring rainstorms over several days as well as during a period of summer rains from more localized thunderstorms. Further, the system is well-adapted both to grazing by large herbivores and to smaller-scale disturbances caused by animals like prairie dogs.
Evolution of site collaboration within the US LTER network
The US Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program began in 1980 to address large scale ecological phenomena through research at individual sites and through comparative and synthetic activities among sites. We applied network science measures to assess how the LTER program has performed as a coherent system using joint publications among sites as the measure of collaborations across sites. We identified three periods of increasing collaboration.