Soil Science

Antarctic Field Season Planning and Project Synthesis

Hugh Ducklow

The aim of this working group will be to discuss the upcoming Antarctic Field Season. By holding this meeting at the ASM we will take advantage of the fact that a large group of PAL and MCM investigators, staff, and students will be present and available to attend, although the meeting will be open to all.

Session Info

Working Group Session 6

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Working Group Session 7

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Reusch Auditorium Hobbs

Sediment Total Phosphorus Concentrations in Shallow Freshwater Ecosystems in an Agricultural Landscape

Poster Number: 
Presenter/Primary Author: 
Lauren Kinsman

Phosphorus (P) is often limiting in aquatic ecosystems. The quantity of available P is often determined by sediment binding and release processes. We obtained 32 sediment samples from shallow freshwater ecosystems in Southwest Michigan. Sediment cores were separated into consolidated and flocculent strata for analysis of percent organic matter, total sediment phosphorus (TP), and HCl-extractable iron (HCl~Fe). Sediment TP ranged from 110-3348 ugP/gdw, with an average of 1052 ugP/gdw.

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