North Temperate Lakes LTER

Interior and Boundary Mixing in a Stratified Lake

Poster Number: 
Presenter/Primary Author: 
Yi-Fang Hsieh

    Turbulent mixing in lakes plays a crucial role in nutrient transport (e.g. phosphorus) and thus influences the water quality within the lake. Field experiments were conducted in Lake Mendota in the summer 2008 to determine the interior and boundary mixing. The interior mixing is generally several orders of magnitude smaller than the boundary mixing because the thermal stratification inhibits vertical mixing through the metalimnion.

North Temperate Lakes LTER: Understanding the past, present, and future of lake districts

Poster Number: 
Presenter/Primary Author: 
Emily Stanley

The vision for North Temperate Lakes (NTL) LTER is to gain a predictive understanding of lakes and lake districts at longer and broader scales than has been traditional in limnology. We employ long-term observations, comparisons, experimental manipulations, and diverse modeling and statistical tools to understand change in social-ecological systems. Here, we highlight four ongoing initiatives that demonstrate our multifaceted, interdisciplinary approach to research.

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