Assessing the IM Training Video Series: Viewer Feedback and Panel Discussion

Poster Disciplines/Format:
Kristin Vanderbilt

Panel with Eda Melendez (Luquillo LTER Information Manager), Jonathan Walsh (Baltimore Ecosystem Studies) and Linda Powell (Florida Coastal Everglades)

The development of a series of training videos on information management topics has been initiated.  These are available at the  IM training video resource link in the working group materials.    To guide the content and format of future videos, we invite all ILTER and US LTER information managers to come to this meeting and watch and comment on two of the existing videos.    We will also invite information managers with well-established information management systems to participate in a panel discussion about their information management strategies.  This panel discussion will be videotaped and will become another video in the training series -- a video that offers a range of perspectives on how different tasks are accomplished by different IMs. 



Session Info

Working Group Session 4

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Longs Peak Diamond East
Working Group Materials
Official Participants
Additional Participants: 
Sabina Datcu
Victoria Goodall