Management of Residential Natural Resources by Recent Rural In-migrants

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Presenter/Primary Author: 
Craig Harris
Leighanna Beach

Population growth and urban sprawl are two issues that have long concerned environmentalists. Another, more modern phenomenon is that of urban to rural migration, wherein residents of urban or suburban areas buy property in areas more rural, less developed. This study is concerned with the land use decisions made by these new rural residents. The study is centered in Southwest Michigan, Barry Township within Barry County. The area is one of shifting land use patterns and increasing residential development. The initial list of targeted participants was compiled through comparison of Platt maps from 1995 and 2003 to determine new landowners, who were then contacted by letter and phone call to schedule interviews. Interviews covered motivations for moving to the area, current land use activities, and sources of information about these activities. Analysis of initial series of interviews was made to determine trends and patterns.

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