Andrews LTER Education Programs

Poster Disciplines/Format:
Poster Number: 
Presenter/Primary Author: 
Kari O'Connell
Susan Sahnow
Julia Jones
Kathy Keable
Katie Lynch
Desiree Tullos

An important mission of the Andrews LTER program is to maintain strong linkages among research, education, and forest management and to provide educational opportunities in the realms of ecosystem science and natural resource management. The educational effort currently involves teacher enhancement programs for elementary through college instructors; tree canopy experiences for K-12 students; field trips, workshops and conferences involving undergraduate and graduate students and scientists, natural resource managers, and other groups; tours and talks for the general public; formal undergraduate and graduate classes for credit; and research experiences for undergraduates. This poster highlights ongoing and new education programs for K-12 educators and students and undergraduate and graduate students at the Andrews LTER site.