Ancillary meetings
ASM Student Poster Judges
The ASM student poster judges will each review a subset of all student posters. Judges may review posters from their own site (scores will be scrutinized and should be justified if a high score is given), although they can NOT judge their own or co-authored posters. Judges are free to declare a COI for any reason (if they are uncomfortable reviewing a poster from their site, a friend, relative etc.).
LTER Executive Board (closed meeting - 1pm - 5pm)
This is a biennial meeting of the LTER Executive Board. It is a closed session for EB Members only.
Assessing the IM Training Video Series: Viewer Feedback and Panel Discussion
Panel with Eda Melendez (Luquillo LTER Information Manager), Jonathan Walsh (Baltimore Ecosystem Studies) and Linda Powell (Florida Coastal Everglades)
The development of a series of training videos on information management topics has been initiated. These are available at the IM training video resource link in the working group materials. To guide the content and format of future videos, we invite all ILTER and US LTER information managers to come to this meeting and watch and comment on two of the existing videos. We will also invite information managers with well-established information management systems to participate in a panel discussion about their information management strategies.&
LTER Information Management Meeting
Sunday, September 13 Agenda
Business Meeting
9:00 - 9:30 Elections
1.1. any necessary discussions of IMexec members and chair(s).
Potential nominees to Co-chair or chair IMC include: Margaret, Don, Emery
IMexec membership: Todd, John, plus we need a replacement for Barrie
NISAC members to be replaced: TBA
9:30 – 10:00- Planning
1.2. begin planning for future years:
2010 meeting: possible venues
2011 meeting: mission,
LTER Graduate Student Symposium
Graduate Student Symposium
Saturday 7:00 pm Meet & Greet Mixer
Location: Convention Center Assembly Hall
Sunday - Plenary Meeting
7:00am - Breakfast - YMCA Dining Hall
8:30 - Welcome & Introduction
Amber Hardison (VCR), Chelse Prather (LUQ)
Location - Longs Peak Diamond East & West
9:00 - What are the LTER and LNO?
Henry Gholz (NSF), Bob Waide (LNO), Todd Crowl (NSF)
LTER Education Representatives Meeting
The Education Representatives will meet between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 13, 2009, prior to the official beginning of the All Scientists Meeting. EduReps will share efforts and strategies for both education and outreach. The meeting provides a forum to communicate shared interests and to shape (or re-shape) common goals, inspire and support cross-site projects, and re-focus the Education Committee.
AIBS - Science Policy: How to Inform, Influence, and Communicate with Policymakers
In his Inaugural address, President Obama vowed to “restore science to its rightful place”, and make scientific data an integral part of the policy decisions of his administration. This means that now, more than ever, the input of scientists is needed to in order to inform public policy. In particular, as climate change, biofuels, and biodiversity are increasingly on the legislative agenda, the scientifically-based opinions of ecologists and environmental biologists is more relevant than ever.
LTER Climate Committee
The LTER Climate Committee membership was refreshed in May of 2009. Bruce Hayden now serves as committee chair and each site has submitted a site rep. An 6 member executive committee has been established that represents polar, urban, coastal marine, hydrology, forests, grasslands and arid environments. The purpose of the workshop is to explore committee products for the coming years and to identify leadership for the product development.