Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 6
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 5
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 4
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 3
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 2
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
Geneology of Ecosystem Scientists 1
A Geneology of Ecosystems Scientists - Listing the geneology of some ecologists.
SPAN: A Sensor Processing and Acquisition Network
In recent years, advances in sensor network technology have shown great potential to revolutionize environmental data collection. Still, these systems have remained the purview of the engineers and computer scientists who design them, rather than useful tools for the field scientists who need them. Today, there are many data logging options for basic data collection in the field, but scientists are still required to travel to their sites to collect data, and to manually import data into spreadsheets.
VOSS: Delegating Organizational Work to Virtual Organization Technologies
This project is currently undertaking a comparative study of the formation and maintenance of Virtual Organizations (VOs) in two leading collaborative science networks: the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) and the Open Science Grid (OSG). Both LTER and OSG are mature enterprises for supporting multidisciplinary scientific research; however, they differ in the nature of their VO tool use.
Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS)
SEEDS is a program of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) and is the only national mentoring program for undergraduate students dedicated to the field of ecology. At its inception in 1996, SEEDS focused on faculty development in HBCUs and in 2002, turned to serve underrepresented students directly through field trips, scholarships, and leadership development. Today, SEEDS has 53 campus chapters. The poster discusses achievements of SEEDS, the challenges of implementing a mentoring program and possible solutions.
Taking the Pulse of our Planet: The USA National Phenology Network
Patterns of phenology for plants and animals control ecosystem processes, determine land surface properties, control biosphere-atmosphere interactions, and affect food production, health, conservation, and recreation. Although phenological data and models have applications related to scientific research, education and outreach, agriculture, tourism and recreation, human health, and natural resource conservation and management, until recently there was no coordinated effort to understand phenology at the national scale.