LTER Remote Sensing Data Information and Coordination

Poster Disciplines/Format:
Final Report (Required, .pdf format only) : 
Andrew Fountain
John Vande Castle
Morgan Grove
Mark Williams
Dave Verbyla
Theresa Valentine

The Purpose of this working group is to bring together remote sensing and GIS researchers as well as site principal investigators and LTER Information Managers to discuss issues raised by the new LTER Ad-hoc Remote Sensing Committee.  The focus of these discussions will be what types of data are needed for the LTER Network, particularly in light of needs for ISSE research, and how to make the remote sensing data accessible at the Site and Network level.  In addition, there will be discussion of a framework for the organization of a proposed LTER "Spatial data and analysis committee".

The LTER Executive Board recently formed and charged an LTER Ad-hoc Remote Sensing Committee to review  LTER remote sensing data use and needs across the LTER Network and in particular coordination by the LTER Network Office.  This group performed a preliminary assessment and came up with a number of recommendations. However, it was clear that input from scientists across the LTER Network was needed to get a consensus of remote sensing needs for LTER research, both at sites as well as for future needs of the LTER Decadal Plan and ISSE. The working group will discuss the recommendations of the Ad-hoc Remote Sensing Committee, suggest points the Committee did not include in their report to the LTER Executive Board and ways to proceed on these recommendations. 

Recommendations of the committee included the following:

  • Formation of a LTER “Spatial Data and Analysis Committee”
  • Survey all LTER sites on current remote sensing data holdings and on spatial data needs of the LTER sites
  • The LNO should continue to facilitate communication on spatial data and analysis at a number of levels between LTER sites, key investigators and agencies.
  • Committee recommended that LNO take the lead on developing cooperative agreements to acquire LIDAR data for LTER sites and arrange for hyperspectral imagery (such as AVIRIS) for all sites on repeated intervals and for special disturbance events.
  • Information should be cataloged related to new spatial data and those available from historic archives including data acquired by sites, NAIP, NAPP, NHAP as well as remote sensing holdings, both on-line and off-line, already acquired by LTER sites.
  • A complete archive of cloud-free Landsat images for all LTER sites should be acquired and made readily available for LTER site as well as ISSE research.


Session Info

Working Group Session 5

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Wind River B
Working Group Materials
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Official Participants